Don Ed Hardy: Meeting a long time hero of mine.
Monday May 18, 2015This past weekend I ventured down to Kings Aveneue on the Bowery with my friend Mark. Mark is a tattoo collector and painter and I always enjoy spending time with him. We had the pleasure of seeing new and old works by tattoo master and living legend Don Ed Hardy. It was a sureal experience for me. Seeing new images and things older and familiar to me was something I will never forget. Mr. Hardy was kind and giving. I am grateful for the opportunity to see this exhibit and share a few words with him. I stood there sourounded by other talented artists who were all beaming with excitement for also having the chance to be there. I though everyone who meets with Ed should all take a que from this gentelmen about humility, poise and generosity with one's self. His archivist Trevor Lee Ewald was equally generous with his time and attention and the care that went into bringing tthe work of Hardy to the people who value it was obvious. Of course a huge thank you goes out to Mike Rubendall, Grez and the rest of the Kings Avenue team. Thank you Universe for all the things I saw and learned this day.