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Graceland Tattoo wins Best of the Hudson Valley 2016
Sunday October 09, 2016Well, here it is. I am honored and humbled to announce we were awarded the distinction of Best Tattoo Parlor of the Hudson Valley once again by readers of Hudson Valley Magazine. Thank you to all our clients who were motivated enough to take the time to vote. Thank you to the entire Graceland Team for working hard to give their personal best. I know this award is subjective and I know there are so many talented artists and shops in the Hudson Valley. This takes nothing away from them or their efforts. Thanks again to everyone who makes Graceland Tattoo the special place it has become.
Prints Available.
Sunday May 08, 2016I'm happy to say I have a large selection of prints from my last solo show Sacred Illusrations and Occulted Pictorials. We made a great effort to color match and I think we captured the essence of the originals. All prints are individually packaged on acid free board and ready to frame. Prints are $20 at Graceland Tattoo and $25 shipped anywhere in the US. Thanks for your interest. Peace and Light to all.
We need your help. Please Vote Now!
Monday March 14, 2016
The time is here, and we need your help. We're asking once again for you to Vote Graceland Tattoo "Best Tattoo Parlor of the Hudson Valley". We work hard to give you the best of us day in and day out. So, if you could please take the time to go to and cast your ballot we'd greatly appreciate it.Thanks everyone
Graceland Tattoo is a Teenager
Wednesday February 03, 2016This Valentines Day marks 13 years since Graceland Tattoo opened our doors. I am very grateful to have shared many memories with my team, and the fine folks who come in day in and day out to have us help them make their mark. Here's to many more blessings. Thanks to all of you who have given me support througout the years. Peace and light to all of you.
Annual "Sailor Jerry Day" at Graceland Tattoo
Wednesday January 06, 2016I am really looking forward to our annual "Sailor Jerry Day". Come down and celebrate the endless contributions Norman Collins made to the craft we care so much about. Walk ins all day with all 5 tattooers!
Thursday, January 14th would have been Norman "Sailor Jerry" Collins 105th birthday. To celebrate this all five of our artists will be tattooing all day, first come first served, 12-8. We have tons of books and flash to choose from. Tattoos will be $105. The design must fit in the circle or rectangle. Arms and legs only. We look forward to seeing everyone there!!
Year end happenings
Monday December 07, 2015Well the holiday season has come upon us and as always Graceland Tattoo is adding $20 to your gift certificate for every $100 you spend. Please tell them you saw the special on and we will be happy to give you a little extra. The more you spend the more we give.
We have also added 100 new sheets of flash to the shop. We swapped out the sheets on our huge flash wall with Mr.Flash Machine production sheets. There are many "modern designs made in old school style" to choose from. They are displayed in black and white but we can certainly add color. They are all scalable patterns and can be done at an affordable price. Come down and pick one out.
Next month...our annual Sailor Jerry Day.
Art Show Closing
Thursday October 29, 2015The month of October has come to an end and so has my first solo gallery show. Thank you to all of you who took the time to come out and see my work. There was a great turnout and some really great conversation. I learned a lot about myself, my work and my community. I will be posting all of my pieces from this show in the FINE ART section of my website. Many of the originals are for sale. I am also in the process of making high quality, archival quality giclee prints that will soon be available.
Peace and Light,
Sacred Illustrations and Occulted Pictorials
Friday October 02, 2015
Please join me this Saturday, October 3rd from 6-9 pm for the opening reception of my solo show. Sacred Illustrations and Occulted Pictorials is a year long retrospective on my studies into the occult and natural law principles. There will also be a "Second Saturday" reception October 10th from 6-9 pm. As always, all decent folk welcome.
Graceland Tattoo voted
Saturday September 26, 2015We are very grateful and extremely proud to say we were awarded Best Tattoo Parlor of the Hudson Valley by the readers of Hudson Valley Magazine! Thank you to all who voted for us. We know there are so many choices in the area these days and we feel pretty lucky. A heart felt thanks those of you who gave us your support.
I would like to personally thank the Graceland team for all of their hard work. Graceland Tattoo wouldn't be the special place it is without each one of you. Thank you for working so hard to be the best that you can be.
Peace and light,
Graceland Tattoo Earns Big for Charity
Tuesday September 22, 2015
Mill House Brewing proprietors and me giving our check to The director of Grace Smith House.
Poughkeepsie, NY- On August 30, 2015 Mill House Brewing Company and Graceland Tattoo hosted their first annual “Tattoos and Brews”event at Mill House to benefit Grace Smith House, Inc. Attendees enjoyed food and brews from Mill House and could sign up to be tattooed by local artists. The event also included local artists, craftsmen, tinkerers and live music. Grace Smith House, Inc. is pleased to announce that Mill House Brewing Company and Graceland Tattoo raised $3,929.00 at the event for victims of domestic violence.
In addition Graceland Tattoo hosted the 4th annual "Tattooing to Save Babies" where we raise $4,229.00 for the March of Dimes. In the last 4 years we have raised just over $20K to helo fun research and help premature babies and theri families. Thank you to everyone who came out. Together, we can make a difference.
4th Annual Tattooing to Save Babies
Saturday September 12, 2015
On September 19th from 11 am- 8 pm we will open our doors for the 4th annual Tattooing to Save Babies at Graceland Tattoo. We have added miranda to the team so this year 6 tattooers willing and able to tattoo select designs from 11 am to 8 pm. We donate the fruits of our labor to the March of Dimes which gives support to premature babies and their families. This is our 4th event. In the past 3 years Graceland Tattoo has raised over $15,000. The national effort has exceeded $70K. Please come out to help us raise awareness and funds. Together, we can make a difference.
Solo Art Show-October 2015-BEACON, NY
Saturday August 15, 2015My first solo show "Sacred Illustrations and Occulted Pictorials" is a collection of folk art exploring concepts and lessons that originated centuries ago, yet are ever present in modern day constructs. Iconic imagery and occulted symbols are used in an effort to shed light on events and figures that may otherwise be left hidden. I hope to see you there. Ocober 1-26, 2015. OPENING RECEPTION is OCTOBER 3 from 6-9 pm.
Catalyst Gallery. 137 Main Street. Beacon, NY 12508
Tattoos and Brews at the Mill House
Tuesday July 14, 2015The Mill House Brewing Company has partnered up with Graceland Tattoo to bring the Hudson Valley “Tattoos and Brews”. Join us Sunday, August 30th from 12-8 at the beautiful MillHouse on Mill Street in Poughkeepsie for a day of fine, locally sourced foods, artfully crafted ales and high caliber tattooing done on premises by the Folks of Graceland Tattoo and friends from Alliance Tattoo, Forget me Not Tattoo, Hat City Tattoo, Hudson River Tattoo Company, Hole in the Sky & Skin City Tattoo. Other local Artists and Craftspeople will be on site along with LIVE MUSIC. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Grace Smith House helping survivors of domestic violence. Check out and for more information. So Enjoy a brew and get tattooed.
Tattooing at the Empire State Tattoo Expo NYC: July 10, 11, 12
Tuesday June 16, 2015I will be at the Hilton MidTown in NYC July 10,11 and 12. I am taking walk ups but you can also email me if you would like to garauntee a spot. I will also have original paintings and prints for sale. Look for the Graceland Tattoo banner. I'm really looking forward to seeig some old friends and meeting some new ones.
Don Ed Hardy: Meeting a long time hero of mine.
Monday May 18, 2015This past weekend I ventured down to Kings Aveneue on the Bowery with my friend Mark. Mark is a tattoo collector and painter and I always enjoy spending time with him. We had the pleasure of seeing new and old works by tattoo master and living legend Don Ed Hardy. It was a sureal experience for me. Seeing new images and things older and familiar to me was something I will never forget. Mr. Hardy was kind and giving. I am grateful for the opportunity to see this exhibit and share a few words with him. I stood there sourounded by other talented artists who were all beaming with excitement for also having the chance to be there. I though everyone who meets with Ed should all take a que from this gentelmen about humility, poise and generosity with one's self. His archivist Trevor Lee Ewald was equally generous with his time and attention and the care that went into bringing tthe work of Hardy to the people who value it was obvious. Of course a huge thank you goes out to Mike Rubendall, Grez and the rest of the Kings Avenue team. Thank you Universe for all the things I saw and learned this day.
New logo rolling out
Wednesday April 29, 2015In the weeks to come Graceland Tattoo is rolling out an updated verion of the Graceland Logo that took shape in the fall of 2003. We have stripped it down once again. I'm really looking forrward to updating the website, the signs and other business materials. Above is the information side of my new business card. These are the many ways to get in touch with me and stay connected to my work. I am continually transforming as an individual and visual artist. As I light my path through knowledge I am learning what is important to me and what is not. The image to the right of my card, quite simply put...Care through the illumination of knowledge. Many blessings to you.
Electric City Tattoo Convention April 17-19
Tuesday April 14, 2015I will be tattooing this weekend at the Electric City Tattoo Convention in Scranton, PA. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to attend this event. It has become a top tier event in the industry. Just a personal note. when my great grandfather came to America from Wales, he landed in Scranton, PA. That's where he continued to work in the coal mines. I'm really looking forward to earning a few dollars in the same town my great grandfather did so many decades ago. If you would like to get tattooed email me and I can get prepared. I will be taking walk ups too.
Graceland Tattoo is Looking for an Experienced Tattooer.
Wednesday March 18, 2015Graceland Tattoo currently taking applications to bring a new tattooer on board at Graceland Tattoo. This is a great opportunity to work with a diverse, experienced team in a very busy and well equipped tattoo studio. You must be seasoned with experience. This is not an apprenticeship. Email portfolio & resume or links to your work to adam@gracelandtattoo. DO NOT SUBMIT VIA FACEBOOK. Thank you for your consideration.
Vote NOW to make Graceland Tattoo
Saturday March 07, 2015Hudson Valley Magazine has added Tattoo Parlor to to their annual Best of the Hudson Valley award. All of us at Graceland Tattoo would love to win the prestigious award. We've worked long and hard to give you, our clients, the best of us! So please take some time to click the link and Vote Graceland Tattoo as best Tattoo Parlor. The category is listed under SHOPPING. Thank you kindly.
Graceland Tattoo, 12 years strong.
Monday February 16, 2015Well I am fortunate enough to say that this Saturday, February 14th marked 12 years in business for Graceland Tattoo. When I opened the doors to begin the adventure of tattooing and piercing the Hudson Valley and beyond I never imagined all the poeple I would meet and challenges I would face. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of the journey. I am humbled by your patronage and grateful for the many blessings tattooing has given me and my family. I feel confident that the team we have at Graceland Tattoo is well assembled and we all compliment each others styles and personaities. I am very gratefull for the people I make things with on a daily basis. Thanks again to everyone, here's to many more years to come.
Producing and Exploration
Wednesday January 28, 2015I have returned from a digital haitus. I needed to take a little time to unplugg and decompress. It was a much needed break and though I was reluctant to log into all the cyber interfaces, I acknowledge it is necessary for me at this time in my life as an artists. I use these tools to scatter images of things that I make to as many people as I can. I've been delving deep into the teachings of many experts of hidden knowledge and symbols. These lessons have permiated not only my person but my art. I have been formulating ideas and cultivating concepts that are coming to fruition and will be on display at Catalyst Gallery for the month of October 2015 in Beacon, NY. I am also committed to making quality tattoos that preferably have a purpose and communicate a message. I am hoping 2015 will bring me some great opportunies to paint temples. Bring them to me, I am beyond ready.
The picture below was recently finished, the Bodhisattva Vajrapani. The reference was taken for an ancient silk painting circa 850-900 AD. This painting was recently discovered in a cave in Western China. Amazing to think artwork could survive in a cave for over a thousand years.
Group Show at Catalyst Gallery.\
Thursday December 04, 2014
I'm happy to say Keely and I will each have 3 works on display that are available to purchase at the Catalyst Gallery Small Works group show. Catalyst Gallery is on Main Street in Beacon, NY. I have choosen 3 pieces that are varied yet indicative of my work at this current point in my career. I also have some high quality giclee prints on heavy water color paper that are also available for purchase through the gallery. Please come and view all the work that will be displayed the month of December. Thank you.
Limited Run of T Shirts
Wednesday November 12, 2014
I worked with the good folks at American Icon Screen Printing in Newburgh, NY to create a limited run of T Shirts recreating my painting "Crown". I have black ink on white shirts and black ink of gray shirts. They are $20 shipped to anywhere in the US. Please email your size and mailing address. If you are ordering XXL please add $3.00. Thank you for your support.
Changes in my work schedule and approach
Sunday November 02, 2014The early part of 2015 will mark my 14th year as a tattooer. Througout the span of those 5,000 plus days I have consistantly worked 6 days a week. Over the years I have made attempted to reduce my tattooing to 5 days a week but could never seem to stick to that. A few months ago I decided I have no choice but to demand of myself a 5 day work week. The physical and emotional drain on a 6 day work week tattooing each of those days has taken it's toll on me and I will not let that continue. With that, I have decided to dedicate one day per week to managing the business side of Graceland Tattoo. With the latest addition of Cookie and soon to start Miranda Lorberer formerly of Pop's Tattoo Emporium in Kingston, NY I am finally poised to direct my attention in a more focused manner. By allowing myself two days of rest and family time with another day for business administration and time for artwork I believe my tattooing will grow and Graceland Tattoo will continue to flourish. I am phasing in my new tattoo schedule which is as follows; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 12-8 pm. I will be in the tattoo parlor 9-5 on Wednesdays and will be available for consultations. I thank all of my clients both past and present and I hope you will see this is done in an effort to give each of you the best of me. Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding.
Website Redesign
Friday October 03, 2014I am very pleased to unveile the new look of ADAMLAURICELLA.COM. A lot of care went into crafting this in an effort to give the user a pleasant experience while browing my site. It was my goal to creat a strong throughline between my personal interests and my body of work. The things I produce because I want to, because I feel compelled to; Not because I have to. This next chapter in my life as an artist is intended to be written more selectively and more diliberatly. It's my goal to edit down the projects I take on and have them fall in line with what I have been working on as an individual, independant of my art. Thank you.
3rd Annual Tattooing To Save Babies
Monday September 08, 2014
We are proud to announce our 3rd Annual March of Dimes Event Tattooing to Save Babies event. Come on out Saturday Sept. 27th and support this awesome cause! We will be tattooing select designs from 11 am to 8 pm. All proceeds will go to the March of Dimes to lend relief to premature babies and their families. It's a great event started 7 years ago by our friend Krooked Ken at Black Anchor Tattoo in Denton, Maryland. This has become a national event. Over the last 2 years Graceland Tattoo has earned more than $10,000 for the March of Dimes. The fund as a whole has exceeded $70K! We are proud to be a part of it. This year our very own Adam Lauricella was asked by Ken to design the flier. This is his effort. We hope to see a lot of you out lending your support. Don't let us down people! Make us proud!
A feature in Hudson Valley Magazine
Thursday August 28, 2014More great things coming down the pike at Graceland Tattoo. A few things have yet to be announced and will be in the days to come. However, I am really proud to announce I have been featured in Hudson Valley Magazine's September issue.
HVMAG put together a very nice feature on 4 tattooers in the Hudson Valley. They included myself and two of my friends. Miranda Lorberer of Pop's Tattoo in Kingston, NY. As well as legendary tattooer and folk artists Thom DeVita who now resided in Newburgh, NY. Many of you may already know the deep respect I have for Thom so I was thrilled to see they sought out Thom. I would day you can't do a spread on tattooing in the Hudson Valley and not include Thom…it wouldn't be worth reading. We are fans of Hudson Valley Magazine and really feel they do a great job highlighting many of the great things the Valley has to offer. I really feel great knowing they came to Graceland Tattoo to show their readers a little bit about our eclectic tattoo parlor that has become a mainstay in quality tattoo art in the Hudson Valley and beyond. I think it's safe to say the article is not only a nod to me but to Allison, Brian, Evan, Joe, Lindsay, Keely and Cookie; As well as all the other guest artist who have come to work along side us. And of course our loyal clients, who often times become friends and family. Thanks to Michael Polito for the stellar photo and everyone at the magazine who helped to make the spread happen. Pick one up at your local news stand.
Sunday August 10, 2014
Christ and Soothsayer tattoos done recently
I am just coming back from much needed time away with my family. I was desperately in need of some time off and I'm grateful to have been able to disconnect for a short time. Though my time away wasn't quite long enough I am feeling refreshed and looking forward to making art; both tattoo and otherwise. I have been building a line design, sketch book full of patterns I would like to tattoo. Please ask to see it if you are looking for inspiration. I would be happy to tattoo each and every design in this ever expanding book. I am getting ready to scale back my tattoo schedule a bit so that I can place more attention on each individual tattoo project. I am also building a body of fine art/ folk art pieces that will be on display during a month long solo show coming in 2015. I will be putting out more information about this as the project unfolds. By scaling back my tattoo schedule I will also be able to devote some more attention to nurturing the business side of Graceland Tattoo. I'm also in the midst of redesigning this website. I'm hoping to create an internet presence that will more accurately reflect my perspective and my work at the place in time.
Graceland Tattoo has been thriving. I am happy to say Geoff Horn from Hole in the Sky Tattoo in Woodland Park, NJ will be tattooing with us 1 day a week. He has a very interesting body of work. Geoff makes some powerful images in the American tradition as well as large scale Japanese tattoos.
Cookie has been making a lot of clients happy during his time at Graceland Tattoo and he will be increasing his number of days at Graceland Tattoo in the next few months. This should help to keep up with the demand of our awesome clients. Evan and Joe have been making some really great tattoos and building their client base with each tattoo they make. It's really nice to see the team that has been assemble within the walls of Graceland Tattoo.
More great things happening.
Wednesday June 25, 2014The Empire State Tattoo Expo was exceptional. Stefano and the production team put together an amazing 1st annual convention. There was so much talent, so many unique artist and a ton of great energy. Creativity was in the air all weekend long. The days were long but well worth it. I saw so many friends and had the priveledge of meeting a lot of great people.
I'm gearing up for a few days at Off the Map: North East. I will be doing an interview with Ben Licatta for TattooNow TV. I'll be making tattooed on June 29th and 30th. When I retunr I will be hosting Pittsburgh based tattooer, Erik Von B. Erik is one of my favorite artists who's making some really powerful images on paper and on skin. Erik will be working alongside us at Graceland Tattoo July 2 and 3.
Many things to be grateful for.
Sunday June 15, 2014
In 2001 I began my apprenticeship and in time purchased my first tattoo machines. I needed a liner and a shader. When the time came for a liner I turned to the Mickey Sharpz Micror Dial. I think I just made the cut off as I have heard those machines have progressively gone down hill through the years. Though that machine has been rebuilt I still use it periodically; it's a good little machine. The shader I bought was a brass walker frame made by Seth Ciferri. That machine is still in my regular rotation and I turn to it often. Through out my career I have continued to buy many machines built by Seth and find them tobe quality tools...instruments really. They are stylish, dependable and rugged. I feel a certain to connection to machines he makes and have tremendouse respect for him and his contribution to the craft of tattooing. I remember the days of Reade Street Tattoo and the online forum. I always had such respect for the tattooers that worked there. And a few years back I was able to collect a tattoo by him. And then again sat as his student in a machine tuning seminar at the Paradise Tattoo Gathering in Key Stone, Colorado. His game changing Flash set he painted with Adam Barton hangs in my shop proudly. I am a supporter of his wares and a fan of his art, so I was really blown away when he decided to come and make some tattoos with us one day at Graceland Tattoo a few weeks ago. All I can say is it was an honor to have him visit the tattoo parlor. He made some really great tattoos, starting off the day with a vintage pattern of a frog and snake that I had never seen. I was killer. He then made a beautiful gypsy gal on a woman he had tattooed at the Philly Convention some 15 years ago. He finished the long day with a classic Ciferri rose in pink and blue. The guy is a work horse, a hustler and an amazing craftsman. He even through a few shims of torn legal tender under a few coils for a friend who needed some help tuning a machine. I can say having Seth come for a day and tattoo along side us was one of the coolest moments and best memories I have made while a part of this trade. As the evening came to a close Seth gifted me a machine. The new version of his Weiner Dog Liner. I cannot begin to tell you what that meant to me. I am humbled and grateful and will cherish that machine for years to come. If you are a tattooer and like a punchy liner that runs at a good clip you should consider the new weiner dog. The geometry really lends itself to making strong lines. It's versatile and comfortable. He's also doing some new rad things using an antimicrobial coating on his machines that can help keep your machines sanitary. You can find machines and other things at If you happen to read this Seth, Thank you.
This weekend I will be at the Empire State Tattoo Expo put on by Inked Magazine. I will be taking walk ups and have many desogns to choose from. If you would like to make an appointment you can do so by emailing
The following week I will be spending a few days with the fine folks of Off the Map Tattoo again. I will be bringing a big book of designs I would like to tattoo. Sunday the 29th is booked but I have time Monday the 30th. Let's connect and make a power totem to help you on your journey.
Empire State Tattoo Expo
Monday May 19, 2014
I'm happy to say I will be at the Empire State Tattoo Expo in Westchester, NY. It will be June 20, 21 and 22 at the Westchester County Center for the Arts. I will be making traditional and folk inspired tattoos. I'll have original art and prints for sale too. I'll be posting up with my tattoo family Joe Pepper, Evan McGuian and Chris Tavino from Hat City in Danbury, Ct. Get at me if you'd like to book some time or walk on up. I will only be tattooing select images in the traditional and folk styles. Thank you and I hope to see you there.
Monday April 28, 2014
Just a few more days until the Roc City Tattoo Expo in Rochester, NY. I would like to make some tattoos based on my series of provincial Christ Heads. Above is a sample of paintings that I would like to turn into tattoos. Any other art in my artwork section is also up for grabs. I'll be taking walk ups all weekend, if you would like to reserve some time you can email me to make that happen. Thank you.
Roc City Tattoo Expo
Tuesday April 15, 2014
I will be working the Roc City Tattoo Expo in Rochester, NY once again. I will be taking walk ups all 3 days and I will be bringing a number of paintings that are available for purchase. You can also use them as inspiration for a new tattoo. Roc City has proven to be one of the best tattoo conventions around and I'm very fortunate to be a part of it again this year. If you would like to get something specfic and would like to reserve some time you can send me an email. Otherwise, I'll be hanging at my booth with Evan and Joe from the shop and our good friend Hunter Spanks from Have Fun Be Lucky in Baltimore, Maryland.
A Blast at Off the Map
Saturday April 05, 2014I had such a great visit at Off the Map Northeast. I took an unexpected trip with Gabe Ripely, Max Rothert and TattooNow's Ben Licatta to Sturbridge for the tattoo convention there. We had a lot of fun swapping stories and seeing what the artists had going on during the convention. I then spent the next two days making tattoos back at the Off the Map Studio. I tattooed some clients I've worked with previously and worked with some new folks too. It was great too see the Off the Map family and I returned home feeling very inspired. I came back to Graceland refreshed and hit the ground running. Thank you to everyone who chooses to work with me. I value the opportunities you've given me and the life tattooing has afforded me.
I'm working on several art pieces and I'm looking to take those works and turn them into tattoos. so if you see anything in my artwork section you would like to have tattooed please drop me a line. I would be honored to make that happen.
Don't forget I will be tattooing once again at the Roc City Tattoo Expo in Rochester, NY May 2,3,4. Hit me up to book something.
Heading to Off the Map Northeast
Sunday March 23, 2014
So Bryan Sanchez came for a visit at Graceland Tattoo. It ws great to have him make his unique water color style tattoos with us for the week. He made our clients very happy by the work he produced. While Bryan was here we took a day trip down to NYC for the tattoo convention at Roseland Ballroom. It was nice to get out of town, even if it was only for the day. I picked up some Mike Malone tattoo flash. If you'd like to take a look at it and maybe get tattooed off it please don't hesitate to ask.
Bryan's visit came to a close and things settled down at the shop. The shop has been very busy and all of us have been fortunate enough to be making some really cool tattoos. Last week we welcomed Geoff Horn for a three day stint. Working with Geoff was another great experiece for us at the shop and there were more happy clients who had the chance to collect a tattoo from him. I think both hese guys will be back for another visit. Keep up to date with upcoming guest artists by visiting the website for Graceland Tattoo.
I am happy to say I will be heading to Off the Map Northeast for yet another visit. It'll be nice to see my friends there and make some tattoos with them. I will be working there this coming weekend MArch 28, 29 and 30th. If you would like to get tattooed email me or contact the shop directly. Thanks for checking in.
Friday January 24, 2014So the New Year has started off right. We have been so busy at the shop and having a blast. It's way colder than I'd prefer's winter and this is New York. February is booked up with some very cool projects and Graceland Tattoo has reason to celebrate. I'm proud to say I opened the tattoo parlor 11 years ago this Valentine's Day. I'm so very grateful.
In March we have a few excellent guest artists coming to Graceland. Bryan Sanchez from Colombia will be joining us for the first week of March. He makes watercolor inpired tattoo designs that are very unique. Geoff Horn from Hole in the Sky Tattoo in New Jersey will be visiting towards the end of March. Geoff's tattoos are powerful and vivid. He has a passion for Traditional Japanese and Traditional Americana tattoos and is one heck of a nice guy. You can find out more abut them by visiting the parlor websit for Graceland Tattoo. Just head to the Guest Artist page.
I will also be traveling to Off the Map Tattoo in Easthampton, MA for my 3rd visit. I'm proud to be returning. I always look forward to the visit and value my time there. I already have a few appointments booked but I still have time open so reach out if your interested in getting a tattoo. I will be there March 28,29 and 30.
Sailor Jerry Day at Graceland Tattoo
Monday January 06, 2014In celebration if Norman Keith Collins 103rd birthday I will be making "Sailor Jerry" tattoo patterns all day on January 14th from 12-8. If it fits in the circle or rectangle seen in the picture, you can have it for $103. Walk in only- Sailor Jerry tattoos only- 1st come 1st served. We have a huge selection of Sailor Jerry Flash designs and you are not limited to tattoo patterns that fit in the circle or rectangle. The price will depend on the tattoo you choose. We open at noon, you may want to get there early. I look forward to seeing a lot of you there.
Happy New Year
Tuesday December 31, 2013
Above is a selection of my artwork in 2013
Well I am happy to say 2013 was an amazing year. I've had great opportunities in both my personally and professionally and been blessed to work on some amazing projects with some very special clients. I think this year has brought a good deal of growth for me artistically and for that I am thankful. There has been some restructuring at Graceland Tattoo which has created a more positive work environment which is always a welcomed change. We've added a lot of high quality tattoo flash to the walls of the tattoo parlor and are collecting & painting more as time goes by. This coming year I plan to paint a good number of sheets to include images that seem to be missing in my current collection. Tomorrow starts a new year and I'll be greating the world with a new perspective. Thank you to everyone who has helped to shape my work thus far. The biggest thanks of all goes to my wife Keely and our two daughters. See you next year.
Our Holiday Party: RESCHEDULED!
Sunday December 15, 2013That crummy winter storm caused us to move the Holiday Art Show and Ornament Sale. We will be having the Fesitivities this Friday, Decemeber 20th from 7-10 pm. Please come and celebrate the holiday season with us. There will be some really nice art pieces for sale as well as hand crafted ornaments. The ornament sales will be donated to the Grace Smith House which helps women and children who are victims of domestc violence.
Winter Party and Benefit Art Show at Graceland Tattoo
Friday December 06, 2013
Graceland Tattoo is having our holiday art show and party December 14th from 7-10 pm. We will be displaying artwork by local artists and other friends from the tri state area. All artwork will be available for purchase. Art makes a great gift for that special person in your life and show's that person you know what's up. We will also be selling hand made ornaments made by the artists on display, friends and family. They will range from $5-$25 and all proceeds will go directly to the Grace Smith House, which gives support to woman and children of domestic violence right here in the Hudson Valley. I really hope to see some of you there. It's sure to be a great evening.
Tattooer WANTED!
Thursday November 28, 2013I am still searching for a new tattoo artist. There is a lot of opportunity for growth and career developement at Graceland Tattoo. We have a family oriented team and a vast client base. Graceland Tattoo has been tattooing and piercing the Hudson Valley and surrounding areas since 2003. We have a large reference library with exellent, erganomic work stations and drawing areas as well. This area has a lot to offer you should you choose to come to Graceland. We are a quick hour and 20 minutes from NYC right on the Metro North train line. Please send your portfolio or links to your work to
Thank you.
Best of the Hudson Valley
Thursday October 17, 2013So tonight is Hudson Valley Magazine's "Best of the Hudson Valley" awards night. This year Graceland Tattoo will have a display at the event and I'm bringing a great client of mine to tattoo. I wanted people unfamiliar with tattooing can see a bit of the process. I'm really looking forward to taking a look around at what all of the Best places in the Valley have been up to this past year. There will be some great food on hand and some killer cocktails. Everyone at Graceland Tattoo is taking the evening off to enjoy the party. We have given away quite a few complimentary passes to some lucky winners but if you are in the area and looking for something to do you can buy a pass at the event. To find out more information go to Hudson Valley Magazine.
Tattooing for Charity was a Huge Success
Sunday September 15, 2013
This is a small selection of tattoos I made yesterday for our March of Dimes charity event. For the second year in a row all of us at Graceland Tattoo painted designs and offered our services for a special price. All money earned yesterday is being passed over to the March of Dimes. This year our grand total was $5,517. I'd like to thank the Graceland Tattoo team for there skills and artistry and our clients for donating. Over the last two years we have earned $9,517 for "Tattooing to Save Babies". We will be back this time next year for another exciting day. For those that dont know, the March of Dime's helps give support to premature babies and their families. Together we can make a difference.
Tattooing to Save Babies Tattoo Flash
Thursday September 12, 2013So this Saturday, September 14th is our 2nd annual March of Dimes event. We will be having Hat City Chris and Rob Roach from Hat City Tattoo in Danbury Conneticut join us this year. Each artists has painted a sheet of flash. You pick the design but the artists will be chosen at random. Tattoos will be made on a first come, first served basis. We will be opening at 10 am will be going until 8 pm. Plan to come early. Last year we raised $4,000 and with a few more artists we are hoping to top $6K. We will also be selling raffel tickets goof for gift certificates to Graceland Tattoo. These are my flash designs for the event.
Tattoo Artist Wanted at Graceland Tattoo, Wappingers Falls, NY
Wednesday August 21, 2013Graceland Tattoo is looking to add a tattoo artist to our team.
All applicants must be dedicated to their craft and eager to build a solid clientele with us. We seek artists who are not only talented and confident but also reliable. Our growing client base demands someone who is professional and consistent.
Shop experience is a must. If you are not already certified in blood borne pathogens and disease prevention you will be asked to complete certification prior to starting work. Artists who are willing to grow and surround themselves with other encouraging artists in a positive environment please send us your most up-to-date portfolio, or links to your work along with references.
Graceland Tattoo is a busy, fast paced parlor, located an hour and a half north of New York City. We are 2 miles from the Metro North Train Station, which goes down to Grand Central in NYC. The Hudson Valley is a diverse area with so many different things to experience. There are so many points of interest a short drive in any direction. We host guest artists from around the country throughout the year as well. Our shop is appointment based but we also try our best to accommodate walk-ins when time allows.
Please visit to check out the tattoo parlor.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Email Adam Lauricella
Friday August 09, 2013
Above is a Sailor Jerry sparrow I made
It was a great visit with Stefano. He did some amazing tattoos as expected, I think he'll be back. Jeff Johnson is here right now for his second time at Graceland Tattoo. He's such a solid dude. He makes really cool tattoos and can handle whatever comes his way. I feel really lucky to have him back at the shop. We're taking a break from visitors until the first week of October when Julian Louis will return.
I'm working on several project gearing up for a few art show submissions. Next month brings us "Tattooing to Save Babies". This will be our second year but the event has been 6 years strong. Stay tuned for details.
Stefano to visit Graceland Tattoo
Sunday July 28, 2013
All tattoos above were made by Stefano Alcantara.
Joe Thompson just finished up his 3 days at Graceland Tattoo. He finished up 3 long days with a killer shark on Brian, the shop manager. It was nice to have his up beat energy in the shop. Hosting a guest artist is a great way to bring new blood into the tattoo parlor. I think it's has a real positive impact to those of us that work at Graceland day in and day out. It' can be a nice shot in the arm.
I'm proud to say the great Stefano Alcantara will be with us July 30th-August 2nd. For those who don't know, Stefano is an accomplished painter and a phenom in the tattoo community. He's also a very kind and humble person. It's a true privilege to have him make tattoos with us at Graceland.
Just a reminder; California tattooer Jeff Johnson will be returning for a second time. Jeff has many years in the craft and has a wide array of abilities. I'm really looking forward to Jeff's stay here.
Stay Connected
Wednesday July 10, 2013
So many of us are plugged in to the instagram app and know how great it is. It's the best social media outet for any visual artist. My instagram account is a great way to see what I'm working on, cool things I've found and great people I know. My instagram is @adamlauricella give it a follow. There's also an instagram for my tattoo parlor Graceland Tattoo. You can see what the shop's up to @gracelandtattoo. Thank you.
Next Guest Artist
Saturday June 01, 2013
My friend Jose Carrasquillo will be coming to Graceland Tattoo. Jose will be joing us from Nautilus Tattoo in Newingtown, Conneticut. He'll be here for two days only, June 27th and 28th. Jose is a really good person with great skill and a cool style. Stop in to Graceland Tattoo to set up an appointment. You can also contact him directly at:
Wednesday May 15, 2013
So things went well in Rochester at the Roc City Tattoo Expo. We had a lot of good times and made some cool tattoos. We came home to welcome Ty McEwen back to Graceland Tattoo. He's a good friend and a great artist. It's always a pleasure to have him in the tattoo parlor bringing his unique style of bio organic and color realism to Wappingers Falls. Toward the tail end of Ty's visit Clifton Boggs, of Eulogy Tattoo, came by to make some tattoos for the day. It was a reall cool thing, I've been a fan of Cliftons work for quite a while. With a little luck, he will be back. I'll be hosting Jeff Johnson yet again in July as well as Pittsburgh tattooer Joe Thompson. Check back for dates. This is a little tattoo I made while in Rochester.
Mother's Day
Friday May 10, 2013
The "Mom tattoo" is a classic staple in classic tattooing. I always love the sentiment and like the sweet and simple imagery that usually goes along with the traditional designs of the past. I will be doing walk ins tomorrow May 11th from 12-8 pm. I will only be making tattoos that show your mom how much you love her...OR...If you are a mother and would like to get a tattoo showing the love you have for your kids that can be done too. I'll be working from a selection of designs. Fair prices for good, clean work. I hope to see you tomorrow.
Roc City Tattoo Expo
Saturday April 27, 2013
This coming week I will be at the Roc City Tattoo Expo in Rochester, NY. I will be with my pals from Graceland Tattoo. Sitting in with us will be Hunter Spanks and Brandyn Feldman. It's one of the best conventions of the year. The room will be packed with great tattooers and even better people. I am taking appointments and doing walk ups, so if your interested, drop me a line.
Things to Come
Sunday April 14, 2013
I'm back from my 3 day stint at Off the Map Tattoo. It was short but sweet. I stayed busy tattooing some very good people and it was nice to catch up with the fine folks of Off the Map. They are some very talented individuals and it was nice to work alongside them for a few days.
I will be home for a couple weeks then it is off to the Roc City Tattoo Expo in Rochester, NY. I'm really looking foward to seeing some friends, making some new ones and doing some tattoos. All the guys at Graceland Tattoo are going up to the convention so it will be nice to hang together outside the shop. I will have some flash I painted with Hunter Spanks for sale in a limited number of prints. They will also be available to make tattoos of. Above are a few of my designs from one of the sheets. The convention is May 3,4,5 and I will be taking walk ups. However, if you would like to make an appointment, email me. Thank you kindly.
What's going down?
Monday March 18, 2013
The Sandy Hook Family Fund Benefit was a big success. Joe Pepper and I headed over to Hat City and tattooed for the day. Chris Tavino had a great crew over there and together we raised 4 grand for the family fund. Thank you to everyone that came out.
I have a few things coming up in the next few months. First off, I will be tattooing at Off The Map Tattoo in Easthampton Mass. April 11,12 & 13. I will be bringing some painted flash with me. I'm also making appointments now so let's get crackin'. I'm waiting to finalize an all day Saturday appointment...You may want to act now to get in there! It's a good chance to get an old school jump off.
May 3-5 I will be at the Roc City Tattoo Expo. It's always a great show. I am working on a 4 page split sheet flash set with the talented Hunter Spanks. They will be on display and ready to tattoo at the show. We will also have a limited number of high quality prints available. It's a real honor to paint with him.
Benefit For Sandy Hook
Wednesday February 27, 2013
So we are just days away from our charity event to show support to the Newtown community and the families of Sandy Hook Elementary. Joe Pepper and I will be taking a day away from Graceland Tattoo and heading to Hat City in Danbury, Conneticut. We will be offering tattoos for an honest wage and all money will go to the My Sandy Hook Family Fund. We will also be auctioning off our original flash sheets painted special for the event. It starts at 10 am and with a little luck we will have a line forming early. Please come out and show support. Above is my flash offering.
Sandy Hook Benefit at HAT CITY
Wednesday February 20, 2013
Joe Pepper, JR Tubbs (of True Til Death Tattoo Co. in Astebulah Ohio) and I will be at Chris Tevino's Hat City in Danbury, Ct. We will be working an event to show the people of Newtown and the community at Sandy Hook support. We will have hand painted flash designs to choose from. These original works of art will be auctioned off for the lucky winner to hang on their wall. The designs will be affordable and all proceeds will go directly to charity. Chris has chosen is My Sandy Hook Family Fund. I ask all of my friends and clients of Graceland Tattoo to come out and show some support. It's an easy drive and it will be a blast. The shop will be open and ready to tattoo at 10 am. I'm not sure when they will be calling it quits, but due to a family obligation I will be leaving at 4:30. Who cares...there's still Pepper, Tubbs and Hat City Chris!
Haps on the craps
Friday February 01, 2013
A lot has been going down. The shop has been busy and that's always a good thing. I was fortunate to have another blog posted on Tattoo Artist Magazine's TAM BLOG. It was yet another piece on Thom deVita. This time, my adventure to King's Avenue NYC for deVita's pop up gallery. I'm hoping to persue writing more. I have been busy painting and have a few projects in the works. I will be heading up to the Roc City Tattoo Expo again this year with a set of flash to tattoo and a limited number of high quality sets to sell.
I've been involved in some other projects that I will fill you in on as things unfold. I'm proud to say my painting, " The Mighty Octopus" is featured in the book Eight Arms of Inspiration out later this month by Memento Publishing and Out of Step Books. I have prints of that available of that painting if anyone is interested.
And in 2 weeks (February 14th) I will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of my labor of love GRACELAND TATTOO. I will be throwing a big bash this spring. It's just too damn cold in February.
Thanks for reading- Adam
deVita: The Buck Stops Here.
Monday January 14, 2013
The “pop up gallery” is a phenomenon that is refreshing yet pragmatic. It’s something doable for artists who may not have the resources to establish a long-standing art gallery yet, still show their work or the work of others. Often times these galleries take shape in empty spaces or open in unsuspecting locations that aren’t in use. The term pop up gallery is loosely used to describe the event that went down this weekend (January 11-13, 2012) at Kings Avenue, NYC.
Ask any tattooer and they know about Kings Avenue. It is one of the premiere tattoo studios in NYC, the nation and the world. Known for housing some of the most important tattooers working today it also attracts high profile guest artists from every corner of the globe. That being said, the space for Thom deVita’s “pop up gallery” is anything but an empty space or an unsuspecting location.
For many, Thom deVita has an important place in our hearts. His courage to break constructs has shaped who we are and pushes us toward who we might become. I have already shared a bit of my first encounter with Mr. deVita in an earlier blog that was later shared by Tattoo Artists Magazine, so I would ask if you didn’t read it, go to the TAM Blog. This essay is about his latest show. If you haven’t seen Mr. deVita's episode of “Tattoo Age” do yourself a favor and watch it. You can find the series, produced and directed by Chris Grosso, at VICE.COM.
Chris Grosso is the mastermind behind the incomparable Tattoo Age series from Vice Media; a canon of documentaries that has been gifted to the tattoo community. Each one is exciting and honest. Though the artists featured in each installment are unique in their style, approach and biography, the films are consistent in their content and sensibility. Grosso has done something important for the tattoo community. He has invigorated the base and shed light on some very important players, for those who are in the dark. His latest effort is the 5 part series on Thom deVita. This is an insightful and courageous choice. The documentary is complete, but deVita’s last showing at Kings Avenue still feels very much an extension of the record.
“The Buck Stops Here”, Thom deVita’s 3 day show, opened Friday, January 11th and judging by my instagram feed it was a huge success. I wasn’t going to be there untill day 3 so I checked in from time to time to feel a part of it. The sky was gray and wet, and the FDR was quiet on Sunday morning as my wife Keely and I headed down to the Bowery. We arrived with time to spare, so we ducked in for some late morning drinks. I finished up my cigarette as I rounded the corner, just in time to climb the stairs to Kings Avenue. Opening the door we were greeted with a smile and a handshake by the one and only Scott Harrison, who came out of retirement to make a few tattoos during the event. I was lucky enough to look through some of his painted flash, of which he says he has never sold a sheet, and watched for a while as “bswelt” tattooed the inside of some lucky dudes arm. Oliver Peck was hanging out and making tattoos as well, and I learned he has the largest collection of Harrison art there is. Oliver bought the sacred heart deVita painted on a tangerine box. That was the piece I wanted to add to my collection, but I was too late and it didn’t really matter...every time you blinked your eyes there was another piece to connect with. As Thom told Keely, “I have 50 years of making art with no outlet”. Later on I saw Grez had tattooed that same sacred heart on a young ladies leg. He nailed it. It had all the subtleties of the reference. That night I saw a photo of Thom, Grez and the young client. Thom was inspecting the tattoo proudly. Even in the picture you could see he was touched.
I was able to steal a few moments with Stephanie Tamez and Virginia Elwood, who came back a second day and bought a several pieces from Thom. I think collecting Thom’s work is addicting. So many great tattooers were out to show their respect. I know so many of my friends were miles away, but were there in spirit. I guess I am just fortunate enough to live just outside NYC so making the short trip wasn’t an issue. People came and went, many of them with a white tube in their hand. I found myself wondering what they bought, was it one I wanted?
For a time I sat with Forrest Cavacco, of Cobra Custom, in Plymouth, Mass. We were soaking it all in. Being in attendance was definitely energizing, we all need that sometimes. In walked Robert Ryan and Daniel Higgs. It’s always great to see Robert, the few encounters I have had with him. Robert carries himself with an awareness that can only be developed honestly, you can’t manufacture it. His work is immediately identifiable, the images powerful. He, along with others in the room, are a part of the deVita “family tree”. Disciples?
Regarding Higgs; there isn’t much to comment on other than the fact that for me, seeing Higgs is kind of like seeing big foot.
Keely and I bought a tangerine box of our very own. It had negative silhouettes of two wine bottles. Deep, dark, black snakes were slithering between them. There were some great stamps on the sides, and it had deVita 5.20.32 scratched in white grease pencil. As we walked the street on our way out of town, I thought about hanging this piece in my tattoo shop, but I know it will never make it out my front door. It belongs in our home.
I’m glad to have made it to Thom deVita’s pop up gallery to show support and love for a man who has done so much in so many ways for tattooing, tattooers and contemporary art. He was back in the lower eastside of NYC where he spent so many years tattooing underground. I am comforted to know Thom deVita is getting the attention he has earned. As he stood against the chest of drawers beneath his body of work I wonder if he picked up on how much he is loved. On second thought, I’m sure he did.
Just Checking In
Tuesday January 08, 2013
So the New Year has come. Twenty-twelve brought a good deal of artistic growth for me. I am pushing to make paintings and tattoos from my own unique perspective. I'm focusing on subjects that are important to me. I am trying to communicate abstract thought through symbols and suggestion.
This is the year of exploration. 2013
Deck the Halls
Monday December 10, 2012We had our holiday art show. The place was packed with some old friends and some new blood coming through. We also, ran a fundraiser for the Grace Smith House, which is an improtant organization in the area. They help victims of domestic violence get out of their situation safely. We had local artists make ornaments which went for donations varying $5-$20. I'm proud to say a total of $650 was earned for them! Thanks to my crew and my better half Keely who ran the event. She's an amazing woman.
Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday November 22, 2012I'm back from the Richmond Tattoo Convention. It was a great time. I saw some good friends and as always met some new ones. I'm looking forward to next year.
I wanted to take a minute to thank all of you who have come to Graceland Tattoo throughout the years. The whole team is thankful for you and your interest in us. We have met some very cool people and developed some great relationships. You give us the chance to push our boundaries and make art everyday. The trust you put in us enables us to feed our families. For that we are so very grateful. -Adam
Richmond, VA Convention
Thursday November 08, 2012I will be at the Richmond Tattoo Convention November 16th-18th. I'll be alongside Diego, Hunter Spanks and Chris Tevino. It's always cool to make a few appointments before hand; but I'm also hoping to do a lot of walk ups. If you know you'd like to get tattooed please email me ahead of time. Otherwise, stop by the booth. I will also have some prints and original pieces with me. I'm traveling light but I will have some things. I hope to see you there.
Saturday November 03, 2012
I really admire Crash and his team at Tattoo Artist Magazine. It's my opinion TAM has set the bar for industry publications. I read the articles, stare at the photos and have so much respect for all the artists and contributors. That is why I was elated to see my essay about visiting Thom deVita on the TAM blog. Click the link and give it a read if you haven't read it on my personal blog already.
Benefit Follow Up
Saturday October 20, 2012
Tattooing To Save Babies was a succuss. We had a line for hours and earned $4,000 for the March of Dimes. With the contribution of my Graceland Tattoo family Krooked Ken was able to raise just over $15k. This was the best year yet! I am proud to have been a part of it. We will definately be doing this event again next year. Thank you to all who came out.
Tonight is the opening of our Fall Collective Art Show. It will be a great night.
Tuesday October 09, 2012
If you are anywhere near the Hudson Valley, New York area this weekend please join Graceland Tattoo on Sunday, October 14, 2012 for the Tattooing to Save Babies charity event.
All money earned will benefit the March of Dimes. Tattooing to Save Babies is a great cause founded by tattoo artist Krooked Ken. He says, "as parents to two premature children the March of Dimes has been an amazing source of strength and support for our family. They continue to fund and find amazing ways to save a child that has been born too soon."
Each artist at Graceland Tattoo has painted designs specifically for the charity to be tattooed on October 14th. All tattoos will range from $50-$100.
They will also be raffling off gift certificates.
The March of Dimes will use all donations to continue to help premature children and their families.
Thom deVita Saved My Life
Monday October 01, 2012
I woke up Saturday and prepared for work. Grabbed my coffee and went through my other daily rituals then settled in at the tattoo parlor; I realized I wasn't scheduled to work. I thought I should stay and most likely I'd pick up a few walk ins. Like millions of other people, I looked at my instagram feed. There was a post from Chris Grosso of Tattoo Age and It simply said, "Come up to Newburgh for Thom deVita's open studio 11-5." For those that don't know; Newburgh is just about 20 minutes from me. I guess I would scrap the walk ins and head over to the open studio. Although Mr. deVita lives in Newburgh I have never reached out to meet with him. Largely in fear that someone I've admired for quite some time would be unresponsive to me requesting a visit. This was my chance to meet this legend. I went to see his showing with my wife Keely and fellow tattooer Joe "Pepper" Maher. It was really intense seeing him and a large selection of his work on the walls. There was nothing pretentious about the show. In fact the walls weren't prepared in the classic sense (stark white walls and focused lights). One wall was green like the flesh of a lime. The other was a poorly primed white wall, the remains of royal blue bleeding through. It looked like an empty apartment after college had let out for the summer. For some people hanging their work, that might have mattered. However, I don't know if it did for Thom. There were no apologies. For those of you who know deVita's work it can be primal, archaic and crude. But it's beautiful and calculated and has an esthetic weight to it that may, at times, be overlooked.
I also was lucky enough to have an opportunity to meet and talk with another artists who's work inspire me, the great Scott Harrison. Scott and his work have always had a magical quality to me. In fact, I have a pencil sketch of Scott's in my parlor and look at it everyday. Even though it's nothing more than led pencil on wrinkled up tracing paper it is an important piece of my art collection. Scott was approachable and warm. Having such a close relationship with Thom, Scott seemed to have a sense of pride in Thom, his body of work and the open studio.
As of late I have found myself in some weird head space, both as a tattooer and a visual artist. It's something I'd rather not get into publicly but it is worth mentioning. I think in some odd way my encounters with Thom deVita were a life line of sorts. I'm inspired by our conversations and I now have a different perspective of things in my life as a maker of things. It was a gift to spend a few hours with Mr. deVita. In fact, the following day...I went back. I had a few more hours of nearly uninterrupted conversation. I listened as he told me stories of his time with Mike Malone, his disgust for comic strips and his love of duplication. There's a special place in his heart for panther images and his eagle stencil. We talked about inspiration and what he thought art was. He gave me a glimpse into what he hoped his legacy would be. Mr. deVita helped me to uncover things I already new, things I never even thought to consider. We sat on an elevated windowsill like two friends fishing on a dock. We were flanked by empty clementine crates and discarded sweet potato boxes that now spill over with stencils and stamps; images of daggers and panthers opposite the crucifixion and the sacred heart. Tattoos are re-purposed and hung on the wall. There were also two black portfolios stuffed with rubbings and paintings and reminded me of an old man's wallet crammed with years of whatever it is he did.
When you're with Thom; if you are present, if you are still, he is open. There was a good deal of self reflection for Thom deVita, which I suppose you might expect from a man, now 80 years old who has committed his life to making art, tattoo or otherwise.
Tattooing to Save Babies!
Saturday September 22, 2012
Today is Krook Ken's "TATTOOING TO SAVE BABIES" event. Graceland Tattoo will be with him in spirit but have dedicated another day, Sunday October 14th to this really great cause. All money earned that day will benefit the March of Dimes. We will have sheets of painted flash made for that special day. Tattoos will range from $50-$100. We will also raffle off tattoo gift certificates and some items from the Sunny Side Specialty Shop. This is a great way to help premature babies and their families.
A Great Time in Paradise
Thursday September 20, 2012The Paradise Tattoo Gathering 2012 was a really good time. I'm glad to say I learned a few things, as usual. Diego and I had a good time hanging out and making tattoos outside the shop for a few days. I met a lot of nice people and got to catch up with some friends of mine. I had really gnarly altitude sickness in Colorado, but the good times out weighed the head aches. I missed my girls a lot so I decided to take the red eye back home Sunday night/ Monday morning to see them a little sooner than planned. I could barely wait to see them. Now I'm back in the swing and I'm ready to take my work to the next level. Thank you to eveyone who helped make the Gathering possible. I'll be home for a bit then its off to Richmond for the Tattoo Expo.
Still Standing Art Show
Tuesday September 11, 2012
I'm very fortunate to be a part of an amazing art show that will be opening September 13th. The proceeds of which will be going to the Wounded Warrior Project. My interepretation of the Rose of No Man's Land will be hanging among some other pieces painted by some pretty heavy hitters. I am honored.
The 'Still Standing Art Show' will be making stops across the globe beginning with the Paradise Tattoo Gathering. Through a specialized printing process, the artwork can then be molded directly into a soldiers' prosthesis. These wearable pieces of art will serve as a lifelong badge of their courage and a visual means of expressing themselves through the art of tattoo. In addition, all the artwork will be made available to all service members who want and need them thoughout the course of the shows one year tour. All of the original artwork and prints will be available for purchase to not only the service members, but to the general public, with proceeds benefiting the Wounded Warrior project.
The 'Still Standing Art Show' is a not-for-profit event founded by Chris Lowe of Naked Art Tattoos, and if made possible through the generous work and support of Mark Becknauld of Permanent Ink Management & Promotion.
Thank You Juxtapoz Magazine
Sunday September 09, 2012I am very proud to say I have been featured in Juxtapoz Magazine online. A little something about me can be found in the tattoo section among some other accomplished tattooers. Today is a good day. Thank you.
Paradise Tattoo Gathering Flash Sheet
Thursday September 06, 2012I wanted to paint some custom tattoo designs for this years Paradise Tattoo Gathering. This is the sheet. I will also have a few other sheets of my own flash and most likely a book of antique tattoo line deigns from the Bowery in NYC. I'll be drawing on the spot and taking walk ups. However, if you would like to set aside some time with me please email me.
Tattooing to Save Babies!
Thursday August 23, 2012Hi everyone,
All of us at Graceland Tattoo are gearing up for “Tattooing to Save Babies”. Our good friend Ken Motter has been conducting this charity event for several years now. Krooked Ken is one of the best traditional tattoo artists on the planet. Beyond that, he is such an incredible person. He treats everyone with kindness and respect. He’s a class act and we would be hard pressed to find anyone with a bad word to say about him. When you part ways with Ken you leave feeling great and usually with a smile on your face. At 5 feet tall he’s a giant to me.
We are donating all the money we make piercing and tattooing on September 22nd to the March of Dimes. We are also starting to ask our clients for donations at the time of their tattoo; just like in the check out line at most stores. In the next few weeks I will begin to solicit other local businesses. I worked closely with the March of Dimes all through high school so I’m really glad to be affiliated with them once again.
I’m asking you to donate to a cause I believe in. However much you feel comfortable giving. Make checks payable directly to March of Dimes. If you need to have a letter of payment for tax purposes I will figure out how to do that.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you can send a little something. “It’s for the Kids!!!!”
Please send your donations to:
Adam Lauricella-c/o Graceland Tattoo
2648 East Main Street-Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
You can find out more about Ken at
Paradise Tattoo Gathering
Friday August 17, 2012We are weeks away from the Paradise Tattoo Gathering in Keystone Colordo. This will be an awesome experience for me. I'll be seeing some old friends and meeting some new ones. I'm also taking a few seminars, but I will be there to make tattoos. So...if you would like me to make one for you send me an email. I will also be taking walk ups. See ya there.
Howard's Imposter
Tuesday August 14, 2012My Friend Justin Shaw at FAITH TATTOO in Santa Rosa, California asked me to paint something for an art show he is having. It will open on September 3rd. The art is being made by some killer artists & there's also a music festival going on as well. Justin is such a cool guy and one of my favorite tattooers so I am really grateful to be given the opportunity to be a part of this. I've titled the piece "Is That You Howard?". I wish I could make it out to the event but I will be holding it down on the home front.
There's been a change in my schedual
Monday August 06, 2012Like many tattooers, I worked 6 days a week for nearly a decade. When Keely and I had our first daughter we decided it would be best for me to take an additional day off each week. It's important for me to be home with my family to watch my girls grow up. Unfortunately, I've never really been able to adhere to a five day work week. I've allowed myself to be pulled in several directions and I often find myself tattooing before we open & coming in on my days off. It's becoming too much.
As a business owner and a fulltime tattooer there is a lot of work that comes home with me. I find myself working early in the morning before my work day starts and staying up late after the day is over. I'm lucky to be busy and so grateful to have loyal clients and steadfast friends. I'm feeling burnt out and that is not an option. So I have some up with a solution. I'm going to stick to having two days off and I'm going to make sure of that. In addition, I will no longer be taking appointments on Tuesdays. I will be at Graceland Tattoo for administrative purposes and to prepare for my upcoming and in progress tattoo projects. This is a step I need to take and if the time comes when I need to reevaluate my schedual I will and if I need to ad another day of tattooing I will certainly do it. Nothing is ever set in stone but I need to find a balance. I need to be a husband, be a dad and make art for the sake of making art.
Thank you
Sunday July 29, 2012
So guest artist Julian Lois headed home. It was a great experience. Julian is a great tattooer and a solid dude and I lookforward to his return. Our friend Mark Patrick is now at Graceland Tattoo for a few days to make cool tattoos and get some hangtime in. They say you never trust a man with two first names but that's not the case with Mark. In fact, I call him "Honest Mark". In mid August Jeff Johnson will be coming our way. Great dude, great tattooer and a rad painter. Hit up the shop and set aside some time.
Now Booking Paradise Tattoo Gathering
Saturday June 30, 2012
Well,we'reabout 2 and a half months away from The Paradise Tattoo Gathering in Keystone, Colorado. I am now taking tattoo appointments for the show. If you'd like to work with me shoot me an email. I'll also have my own tattoo flash as well as vintage tattoo flash for walk ups. I hope to be busy so hit me up. Thanks.
Julian Louis Is Coming To Graceland Tattoo
Sunday June 24, 2012 Julian will be guesting with us at Graceland from July 25-July 28, 2012. Julian Louis has been putting in some serious travel time as of late. Although he hails from Buenos Aries, Argentina he has been tattooing across the United States and Europe. Julian works hard to produce clean, technically proficient tattoos. A lot of his work leans toward the bold and traditional style but he is comfortable in most styles and eager to work on any project that pushes his ability You can see his work in the guest artist gallery at gracelandtattoo.comHalo Tattoo June 15-17
Tuesday June 19, 2012I will be tattooing at Halo Tattoo in Syracuse, NY July 15-17. I'm really looking forward to my trip and working with some of my favorite tattooers. If you are interested in getting some work by me while I'm up there drop me a line. Thank you.
Guest Artist Hunter Spank
Thursday June 07, 2012
Baltimore tattooer Hunter Spanks will be returning to Graceland Tattoo. He'll be here June 13th-the 17th. Hunter'sa prolific painter and a well regarded tattooer with many years in the industry. Contact Graceland Tattoo for availabilty.
The Visionary Tattoo and Sacred Ink
Wednesday May 30, 2012
I'm really excited to see that this event will be taking place just up the street from my shop, GRACELAND TATTOO. Guy is an icon and he instantly comes to mind when I think of modern tattooing. I had the good fortune to take a multi day seminar with Guy a few years back at the Paradise Tattoo Gathering. It's just really great to have an opportunity to suround myself with artists of this caliber for the day right in my own back yard. I encourage collectors and artist to buy a ticket for this event and if you are a tattooer traveling a distance shoot me an email. Maybe we can set you up with a station for a few days following this awesome day. Im greatful to the Alex, Allyson, Michele and Guy. This is gonna be great!
All Good Things
Thursday May 10, 2012
I'm back from Roc City. It was a total blast!. It's always great to see old friends and make new ones. I had the chance to make cool tattoos and I even got a few of my own. JR Tubbs and Krooked Ken were kind enough to stick me a few times.
I'm also really proud to say I had the chance to sit down for an interview for the online magazine Swallows and Daggers. I really like the site and visit it often so I was really stoked to have the opportunity. It was put together well by my friend Shane Cashman and if you have a chance, give it a read.
The picture above is of me and Krooked Ken.
New Flash Set Available at Roc City
Tuesday May 01, 2012
I'm at the Roc City Tattoo Expo in Rochester, NY this weekend. It's going down May 4-6 & I'm really looking forward to the trip. I'll be working on a few great projects while I'm up there but I stll have some time open. Also, I will be bringing with me a 3 page flash set for sale. If you won't be there I can ship them for an additional $10.
Tattooing in Rochester
Friday April 20, 20122 weeks from today I'll be surrounded by some top notch tattooers at the ROC CITY TATTOO EXPO in Rochester, New York. I'm really looking forward to seeing some friends and meeting some new ones...getting some tattoos and making some. And hanging out with the guys from GRACELAND TATTOO outside of work.
Still Looking...
Saturday April 14, 2012I'm really thankful to be able to say Ty McEwen is coming tomorrowor for a visit. He's bringing his super cool partner in crime, Sarah. We all need one...right? He's is totally booked but with some luck I may be able to get tattooed myself.
In the months to come we have some other great guests coming through to make some tattoos. Also, there's a few more that are hammering out dates. If you're an artist looking for a change of scene for a minute get in touch. We are looking to build an even wider range of guests to come and visit.
Roc City Tattoo Expo
Tuesday March 27, 2012I'm stoked to say my wife and I had our second daughter in January. As a result I have decided to stay a little closer to home in May. I will no longer be attending Hell City Killumbus. I was slated to work with my friends at Off the Map Tattoo.
I've decided to work the Roc City show in Rochester, NY. If you are interested in getting tattooed by me please send me an email or call my tattoo parlor (845-297-3001). I'm already booking up. I will also have prints and original painting for sale.
I really appreciate the folks at Off the Map Tattoo inviting me to share booth space with them. I am bummed that I will not be able to attend, but I'm looking forward to Roc City.
Kostechko has left the building.
Friday March 09, 2012I had a great time with Nathan Kostechko during his stay at Graceland Tattoo. Nate is such a great dude and an amazing artist. He did some really great work while he was here. He tattooed a tribute piece for the birth of my new daughter. It was better than expected. We've already talked about him coming back.
Next up, Ty McEwen. He'll be here April 16-21st. It'll be great to see him and watch him work.
Nathan Kostechko at Graceland Tattoo
Friday February 17, 2012
March 3-5 Nathan Kostechko will be coming to Graceland Tattoo. This will be Nathan's first visit and with a little luck it will be his first of many. Nate's body of work is is really inspiring to me and I'm really looking forward to this time. I'm getting some work done to commemorate the birth of my second child which is really awesome. Nathan is pretty much booked up but call Graceland Tattoo to find out (845) 297-3001. Or just swing through and check out the scene.
Celebrating 9 Years of Graceland Tattoo
Tuesday February 14, 2012On this day back in 2003 (February 14th) I opened the door of Graceland Tattoo for the first time. In those nine years we've relocated twice; each time to a bigger and better space never moving more than a half a dozen store fronts away. Graceland Tattoo was a one man band inside 400 square feet and now has 2 other very talented tattooers, an amazing body piercer, an awesome shop manager and a great part time counter person. We have hosted some great guest artists like Tim Mueller, Hunter Spanks and Ty McEwen. We have those gents coming back and other great artists coming through in 2012 including Nathan Kostechko. The up coming March issue of Skin and Ink Magazine chose to feature Graceland Tattoo in an awesome 5 page spread. Needless to say I am very grateful. Thank you to all our friends who have come in to Graceland Tattoo making all our good fortune a reality.
Personally, I got hitched, had two awesome daughter and life is good.
A Wonderful & Meaningful Insight
Sunday February 05, 2012I came accross this and wanted to share it. I find it comforting.
“Traditional tattooing doesn’t mean staying stuck in the past, it means nurturing something that came way before you because you deeply hope it will continue after you. It’s about being in the middle, not being at the end.”
D. Higgs
Resident Tattooer Wanted
Tuesday January 24, 2012Artists Wanted: Graceland Tattoo, Wappingers Falls, NY
We are looking to add one tattoo artist and one body piercer to our team.
All applicants must be dedicated to their craft and eager to build a solid clientele with us. We seek artists who are not only talented and confident but also reliable. Our growing client base demands someone who is professional and consistent.
Shop experience is a must. Must also be certified in blood borne pathogens and disease prevention.
Artists who are willing to grow and surround themselves with other encouraging artists in a positive environment please send us your most up-to-date portfolio along with references.
Graceland Tattoo is a busy, fast paced parlor, located an hour and a half north of New York City. We host guest artists from around the country throughout the year as well. Our shop is appointment based but we also try our best to accommodate walk-ins when time allows.
Please visit and to check out some of the work our artists have done.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Contact us through email:
SKIN & INK- March 2012
Tuesday January 03, 2012
I'm really proud to say my tattoo parlor, GRACELAND TATTOO, has been featured in Skin & Ink Magazine, March 2012. Mary D'Aloisio penned a very nice piece on the shop. This is my first national spread & it gives me a good sense of accomplishement. It was a pleasure to work with Mary who writes for several tattoo publications and is also an amazing photographer. Those of you who travel the tattoo convention circuit may see her out there making things happen. I first met her at the Baltimore Tattoo Convention, then ran into her again in Hell City AZ and lastly the Paradise Tattoo Gathering this past year. I was really stoked to get a call from her telling me she wanted to feature us in the "On the Road" section of the magazine. Thanks to my team for being awesome and to Mary D'Aloisio for making it all happen. If you see it on a news stand pick it up and check it out. Here's to 2012!
Nathan Kostechko will be at Graceland Tattoo
Tuesday December 27, 2011I am really happy to tell you all Nathan Kostechko will be coming to Graceland Tattoo. He will be here sharing his talents with us March 3,4 & 5th. This is going to be an amazing experience!
2012 Guest Artists WANTED
Tuesday December 20, 2011
If you would like to do a little research on our studio, which I hope you do, please visit GRACELANDTATTOO.COM
Flash Set
Sunday December 18, 2011I have started to line and paint my first "official" set of tattoo flash. I will be posting pictures as they become complete and will also be selling printed sets. I'll keep you up to date with progress as progress is made. Thanks.
"New" Old Taditional Tattoo Designs
Friday December 09, 2011I have a new collection of old tattoo designs from the Bowery in NYC. The designs span 1900-1950. I would love to do as many tattoos from it as possible or have my clients use the designs as inspiration. If you are interested call ahead or shoot me an email; That way you'll know if I will be at the tattoo parlor to be there to show you the line designs and discuss possible projects. This book will not be left out so unless I'm there you won't be able to go through it.
Visiting Artists
Monday December 05, 2011We are happy to say LA tattoo artist Tim Mueller is coming back to Graceland Tattoo. He will be tattooing January 10th-19th, 2012. Tim's tattoo work is bold and bright using an interesting color pallet. Time is a really relaxed, friendly person. This will be his fourth trip here and if you book some time with him I'm sure you will like the experience. Check out Tim's work on our Guest Artist page at GRACELANDTATTOO.COM or visit Tim's personal site.
Also, my good friend Ty McEwen will be back for round three this coming April! Ty is a fine artist and specializes bio organic tattoo art. His texturing and use of light sets his work apart. You'll be hard pressed to find his style anywhere in the hudson valley. Ty is also an accomplished portrait artist. Take advantage of the limited opportunity. He'll be here from April 15th-21st then, I think, it's off to Europe for a bit. Hit up GRACELANDTATTOO.COM or to see Ty's amazing portfolio.
Sunday November 27, 2011I came up with a cool idea & I hope you will agree. Come to me for a tattoo choosing imagery from the "original art" section of my site & I will give you the original painting as a gift! If it's already spoken for it's obviously unavailable. Take advantage of this opportunity.
Gift Certificates
Saturday November 19, 2011
So the holidays are fast approaching. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the mall. The parking lot is always crazy, the lines are long and the stores are hot. If your like me then a gift certificate for the tattoo parlor is the best idea ever! It really is an awesome gift. If your looking at this site than you or someone you know is into collecting tattoos. Save yourself, stay out of the malls and come grab a gift certificate for Graceland Tattoo. Who ever you give it to will be stoked!
Thursday November 10, 2011This book was brought to my attention by my coworker Pepper. He and I have similar interests and a passion for antique & vintage flash. We just acquired this tattoo flash book. "Folk Art Tattoo Flash" is the perfect title and a great way to describe the amazing designs that are stuffed into this book. I really appreciate folk art and its place in tattooing. For some tattoo enthusiasts this type of art seems too crude. I think it's a great artistic contribution that American artists played a key role in.
Saturday November 05, 2011So I had an amazing time at Off the Map Tattoo. it was an honor to be among on the roster of guest artist they cycle through all year long. Shop manager Mary Bowen is top notch as and Tim Baldwin is always awesome. Owner Gabe Ripley is a hell of a guy and the owner of Off the MapTattoo as well as Tattoo Now. He also heads the Paradise Tattoo Gathering and artist Retreat. It's clear that he gets tremendous support from some key players on his staff. I always have a blast hanging out with my friend Brian Coperthite of Tattoo Now. Of course the tattoo crew is top notch. Chloe, Kelly, Max and Tim are awesome to work with. Kelly Doty and I worked on a collaborative tattoo. A traditional woman's head done in the "Coleman style" with a modern take on a headress made of racoon. It was a blast and I think the two uf us came up with something great. It was important to me that I brought a very simple design to the table; one that had a real antique feel. Since I knew it would be juxtapose to Kelly's work I wanted to be sure my end was not very sophisticated. It was an awsome experience and I look forward to returning. i am so thankful for the opportunity. By the way, if you are out that way and want a killer breakfast (Vegie or vegan in particular) go to The Green Bean. Gabe, his daughter and I was AMAZING!
Off the Map Has Power: Here I Come
Wednesday November 02, 2011It was touch and go for a few. The storm knocked out the power in Easthampton, Massachusetts. The home of Off the Map Tattoo. The gang there was safe but cold and super inconvenienced. There was a possibility I would need to postpone my trip. I am happy to say, for their sake that the power is on. I'm stoke to say I will be tattooing there tomorrow. I still have some time on Friday. Let me know...
Off the Map Appointmnts
Thursday October 27, 2011So I will be at OFF the MAP TATTOO. I'm booked up with some rad stuff on Thursday the 3rd of November but I still have time Friday the 4th. Email me your ideas and lets make a tattoo. Or stop by OFF the MAP and make it happen. We'll have fun.
Availability at Offthe Map
Sunday October 16, 2011I have openings at Off the Map Tattoo November 3rd and 4th. Contact the awesome folks over there and set something up. Just call (413) 527-6574.
Do it, it'll be fun!
Now Taking Appointments
Tuesday October 04, 2011I will be tattooing November 3rd and 4th at Off the Map Tattoo in Easthampton, MA. Contact them directly if you would like to book an appointment with me.
Off the Map Tattoo-(413) 527-6574
GUEST SPOT: Off the Map Tattoo
Wednesday September 28, 2011I will be tattooing at Off the Map Tattoo in Easthampton, MA. I'm now taking appointments for Thursday November 3rd and Friday November 4th. If you're in that vicinity and would like some traditional tattooing please call Off the Map directly (413) 527-6574 . I'm really looking forward to my travels and ready to do some clean tattoos.
Check out Shane Cashman's interview on Swallows & Daggers.
Wednesday September 28, 2011Go read the new J.R. Tubbs artist interview on Swallows & Daggers. It's written by my close friend (and Graceland Tattoo shop manager) Shane Cashman. Click the link, it's a great read! J.R. is an amazing traditional artist.
I now have an INSTAGRAM account. for those of you who are unfamiliar, it's like twitter for photos. Most of my posts are tattoo related. sometimes they're personal. If you use instagram look me up. My user name is gracelandtattoo.
Back from the Gathering
Monday September 19, 2011I'm back home from the Paradise Tattoo Gathering. Gabe, Brian, Mary and Tim did an amazing job orchestrating the event. There were so many great artist of all mediums and styles. There were a pile of interesting seminars offered. In between my busy tattoo schedule I was able to take two classes. Robert Ryan taught an amazing class on symbolism and Hunter Spanks held a seminar on painting with water colors. I did some great tattoos and had time to meet with friends. It was really nice to share a condo with the guys from the shop for 4 days of tattooing in the mountains.
Heading to the Gathering
Thursday September 15, 2011So I'm packed and ready to go. I am tattooing at the Paradise Tattoo Gathering in Hancock, Massachusettes. It is being held at the Jiminey Peak Ski Resort. I have one spot left. It's Tomorrow night. Hit me up if your interested.
Graceland Tattoo hosts Ty McEwen
Tuesday September 06, 2011Ty McEwen will be returning to Graceland Tattoo. He'll be tattooing September 12-14th, then we're heading up to the Paradise Tattoo Gathering at Jiminy Peak Resorts in Hancock, MA. The Gathering has become one of the best conventions anywhere. Gabe Ripley, Mary Bowen and the rest of the TattooNow team do an amazing job hosting. If you are interested in seeing the best tattooers around doing what they do best, get yourself a ticket and go for the day- or better yet...get yourself a weekend pass.
If you are a tattooer and intrested in a guest appearance, let me know. Email me at
Back from Hell City
Thursday September 01, 2011So my trip to Phoenix went well. It was hot as hell but Durb and the rest of the Hell City team did a great job. I saw some friends and made some new ones. I did a lot of drawing and did a few cool tattoos. Gabe, Brian and the rest of the TattooNOW/ Off the Map team were super welcoming. Ben, Chloe, Kelly and Tim did some awesome tattoos and I shared my booth with Ivanna. She was killing it all Weekend. It was great to be a part of it.
I spent this morning doing interviews for on how to get a custom tattoo and how to choose the art that is right for you.
Now I am preparing to have Ty McEwen back for a three day stint. He'll be doing some rad tattoos and then it is off to the Paradise Tattoo Gathering.
Hell City Here I Come
Wednesday August 24, 2011I'll be in Phoenix at Hell City all weekend. I'll be returning Monday. You can be sure there will be things to report.
3 Days til Hell City
Monday August 22, 2011So there's only a few days left til I leave for Hell City in Phoenix, AZ. I'm really looking forward to see some friends and meeting some new ones and I'm looking to do some clean tattoos. If you're going to be there and interested in getting some tattoo work get in touch. I will be representing Graceland Tattoo of course, sharing space with Off the Map Tattoo and TattooNow! See ya there.
Wednesday August 17, 2011Well, Hunter Spanks came to do a little stint at Graceland Tattoo and has moved on down the road. All of us had a great time. Hunter had the chance to tattoo some cool people and they had a chance to get some cool tattoos alla Spanks. There was a late night art session, a lazy sunday BBQ and on his final night Hunter and I traded tattoos. We swapped Kewpie dolls. Both on the shin meat. It was a a great opportunity to get tattooed by him and to tattoo an artist I have respected for a long time.It meant a lot to me. I even scored some flash and an original water color. Thank you Hunter.
Now...on to Hell City! If you are looking for some sweet traditional or just a good clean tattoo hit me up.
Tattoo Age:GRIME
Thursday August 11, 2011As a tattooer and real lover of the craft, I feel obligated to post this. As some of you know, the website VBS.TV has created an online series entitled "Tattoo Age". The Dan Santoro 3 part episode has come to a conclusion. his chapter was amazing. No VBS.TV has moved on to one of my favorite tattooers of all time. Part one of Grime's Tattoo Age episode is now online. You need to watch this. Fuck TLC, watch some real tattoo talk.
Hell City
Saturday August 06, 2011Drexler's Labratory
Friday July 29, 2011So I had a great time at Mike Drexler's machine shop. He has an awesome operation and I'm really looking forward to finishing up this article about my experince. If you're a tattooer & reading this, pick up one of his machines. You won't be disappointed.
Truckin' Up to Woodstock
Wednesday July 20, 2011
I was lucky enough to be invited to machine builder Mike Drexler's machine shop. He crafts his tools just outside Woodstock, NY. We have finally gotten our scheduals to jive and I will be making the trip this Monday. I'm going to check out the scene, take some pics, and grab an interview which will hopefully end up on I'm looking forward to it. Mr.Drexler is a fine tattooer, a great builder and a super cool dude. Check out his tattoos at Flyrite Tattoo in Brooklyn, NY. You can find him on FACEBOOK too.
The Gypsy Gentelman
Monday July 18, 2011Living legend Marcus Kuhn is keeping up with his massive contribution to tattooing with a new online documentary called The Gypsy Gentleman. In the first episode Mr. Kuhn travels to NYC. There, he meets up with to of tattooings greatest New York City tattooers Thomas Hooper of Saved NYC and Virginia Elwood of NY Adorned. I suggest every tattooer or tattoo enthusiast watch this awesome piece. Marcus is also taking donations to help support the project so he can continue to produce it. This project is an asset to the tattoo community and will help to preserve tattoo history. If you like what you see donate. If you don't like what you see stab yourself in the eyes.
Tattoo Snob
Friday July 15, 2011I was really stoked to find my micro documentary featured on! The site reads:
"We’ve been posting some great videos the past couple of days, and this one from Graceland Tattoo ends the week right."
I'm off tomorrow spending time wih my family so I guess this ended my week right too.
A BIG thanks to Kevin from
Hunter Spanks is Coming to Graceland Tattoo
Tuesday July 12, 2011Graceland Tattoo is proud to announce Hunter Spanks. Mr. Spanks will be sitting in with me & the rest of the team at Graceland Tattoo August 13-16.
As many of you know, Hunter specializes in American traditional and Japanese styles. He is currently working at Have Fun, Be Lucky in Baltimore Maryland. His appintment book at Graceland Tattoo will fill up fast. Don't sleep on it.
Monday July 11, 2011My shop, GRACELAND TATTOO, is looking for guest artists. We are about and hour and 25 minutes north of NYC. The shop is right on the Hudson train line and the about 2 miles from the station. Just to let you know about the area; We are in Wappingers Falls which is between New burgh and Poughkeepsie NY in the Hudson Valley. There is a lot to do. Alex gray has his home/gallery/artist retreat a mile or so away We have a really good vibe in the shop & a large client base and will work hard to book you up. Let me know if you have interest.
Swallow and Daggers
Tuesday July 05, 2011In a galaxy far far away...
Tuesday June 28, 2011Some of you may remember the Facebook contest we held a few moths back. Adam was asking for people to submit a "dream tattoo" they wanted. Ed Martin won with his traditional Star Wars idea. Well today, it goes down. May the force be with you.
Roc City Tattoo Expo
Sunday June 26, 2011I will be working the Roc City Tattoo Expo August 26th-28th. There will be a lot of amazing artists there. If you are up that way and would like to get some work by me please contact me as soon as possible. I have booked a number of appointments & I hope to get sometime to get a tattoo of my own while I'm there too.
Video Posted
Friday June 24, 2011I just posted a new video of me tattooing our shop manager and my friend, Shane Cashman.
Shane got a sweet traditional gypsy girl on the back of his leg.
I want to thank Shane for being a great friend and always letting me tattoo something fun and new on him.
The video was filmed by Dave Waldron with help from Tim Robinson. Also, two guys who I've gotten to do some fun work on.
Check out the video section to watch the new clip. The finished tattoo is in my tattoo gallery.
Guest Artists
Thursday June 23, 2011Just to let you all know, Graceland Tattoo is looking for guest artists. If you are interested you can contact me directly.
The Hudson Valley is a great area. Lot's of things to do. We are and hour and twenty from NYC right on the train line. We are sourounded by mountains, bike trailes, hiking etc. Alex Gray has a home/gallery/artist retreat 2 miles from our studio. Basically threre is something for everybody. Graceland Tattoo is a busy shop with great chemistry. The shop will also work hard to book you up.
Thanks for reading.
Thursday June 16, 2011So my new site is complete. I would like to thank Gabe, Brian, Mary and the rest of the tattooNOW team for all of their help. I hope you guys like the site and continue to check in to see my work develop. Of course, if you are looking to get tattooed by me, please hit me up. Thank you.
Friday June 10, 2011
Well today my friend Darren came by the new joint to letter the windows. He did a great job. Gold leaf on black...Classy.
The new Tattoo Parlor
Wednesday June 08, 2011So it's been a little over 2 weeks since we opened the doors to our new space. It was a huge undertaking & a lot of work but in the end it was all worth it. The new studio is exactly where I want to be. If your in the area stop in and check it out.
My new site is almost complete.
Monday June 06, 2011Hey, thanks for coming to my personal site. It's still under construction but I've designed this to work in tandem with my studio site . With this new site up and running you can check in to find my travel & convention schedule, thoughts, drawings and most important of all, my tattoo portfolio. Come see me at Graceland Tattoo.